
2022年8月5日—WhenDravengaveAndortheordertokillGalenErso,hejustifiedthiswiththelatter'simportantroleintheImperialweaponsprogram.Whatis ...,2020年1月6日—FromthePOVofRebellionHighCommand,GalenErsowasthegeniusbehindtheDeathStartechnology.TheysawhimnotastheImperialscientist ...,2022年10月24日—CassiansethimselfuptoassassinateGalenErsoonordersfromRebelGeneralDavitsDraven,whowasscepticalaboutthebenefi...

Would Cassian Andor Have Been Justified In ...

2022年8月5日 — When Draven gave Andor the order to kill Galen Erso, he justified this with the latter's important role in the Imperial weapons program. What is ...

In Rogue One what was the point the assassination ...

2020年1月6日 — From the POV of Rebellion High Command, Galen Erso was the genius behind the Death Star technology. They saw him not as the Imperial scientist ...

Why Did Cassian Want To KILL Galen Erso? (Explained)

2022年10月24日 — Cassian set himself up to assassinate Galen Erso on orders from Rebel General Davits Draven, who was sceptical about the benefits of questioning ...

So if the Death Star was already completed then why were ...

2017年1月9日 — Killing Galen prevents him from completing any future projects for the Empire. If he could lead the development of such a powerful weapon, who ...

Galen Erso - Disney Wiki

Galen is later killed by a torpedo blast by incoming Rebel fighters, though he manages to reunite with his daughter before he dies. Gallery.

Galen Erso

A brilliant scientist, Galen Erso was coerced into using kyber crystals to enhance energy yields – work his friend Orson Krennic then weaponized to create ...

Who kills Galen Erso? - Wiki

Who kills Galen Erso? ... Galen reveals himself after Krennic threatens to kill all of them, but Krennic orders his death troopers to kill all of them anyway.

Why did this character continue to want Galen Erso dead?

2016年12月18日 — Cassian Andor wants to kill Galen Erso to prevent him from continuing to work on the Death Star. However, Andor has just witnessed the ...

Defining Moments

2022年10月5日 — Unbeknownst to Jyn and their group, his orders are to kill Galen Erso, who is wrongly suspected of helping orchestrate the Empire's deadly plans ...